Hi there!

To make our work being more productive and easier, I wrote this page to explain all basics you need to learn while preserving old episodes.

This is the public storage at my server which contains episodes which was already uploaded:


To upload new episodes, you will need to use the FTP protocol with the FileZilla client (you can download it here https://filezilla-project.org/, it's free). If you has no FTP login credentials, please ask me (@Wohlstand) them via DM, I don't publish them for security reasons. And even more, I may change them sometimes to maintain the security.

P.S. You will need the 7-Zip archivator (https://www.7-zip.org/, it's free) to remove unwanted game saves and junk files, and re-pack odd archives into something common (7z for the best compression, or zip for the compatibility with everything). If you want to modify RAR archives, you'll need WinRAR, unfortunately, it's paid, or 30-days trial.

Tips for uploading

P.S. If you don't wan't bother to check episode content, simply upload it into _unsorted directory. Once upon I'll check them by myself and will put them into the proper directory.
- please remove forgotten game saves (save1.sav, save2.sav, and save3.sav) from the archive before upload it. If it's packed into RAR and you have no WinRAR archiver, just re-pack into 7zip. Also, please remove LunaLua junk too: LuaData_*.txt, save*-ext.json, progress.json (appears at SMBX2), LunaData_*.txt, LunaSavedVars*.txt, etc.
- Please re-pack episodes into just 7zip if original episode was packed by odd way (such as exe-based installer or b1, etc.).
- Please DM to me (@Wohlstand) if you have troubles with files uploading ("can't connect", "too slow speed", "I don't know how to upload", etc.).
- if you met a namesake episode, please change the name of archive into something like the Super Episode by <AuthorNameHere>.7z or somehing also (for example, the Boss Rush by Very-Cool-Dude.7z) before to upload it, make easy to recognise each other.
- Please make a TXT file (it's an episode/level/asset description) for each episode/level/assets pack with the same name as its archive, and fill it with next content:

<url to the post where you found the episode, or an explanation if source was lost, or episode was contributed by its author directly, or something also. If you want to put multiple sources, write them in a single line and separate them by a comma with a leading space. This line should have next format: URL, comma-searated list of URLs, word "<lost>", word "<submitted-by-author>", any string that begins with "Game=" or "Chat=" to refer the source is a game, or an instant messenger chat name. If you want to explain explicit reason why source is lost or absence, do write the "Note:" paragraph.>
<The name of author, or list of authors per line. The "Creator:" works as an alias to this field. Also, plural forms like "Authors:" or "Creators:" do work too.>
<Optional name of publisher: if episode was made by many people, and there is a name who created and who maintains the topic for this episode>
<Put your name or nickname here. If episode given to you by another person, put their name here.>
<Optional URL that leads to author's homepage if given.>
<The date of the first release of episode/level/game/package/etc. It must be in the next format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2015-05-12>
<The optional key of target engine for which this content primarily developed. Don't specify this until you want to tell that this content developed for a different engine than current directory. See list-engines.txt file to find list of allowed keys.>
<The optional target version of engine for which this content primarily developed. Do specify this if this content is unable to work in different versions.>
<The optional comma-separated list of engine keys, which were confirmed to be compatible with this content if more than one engine can play this.>
<Optional name of assets pack for the engine that was used to create this pack. See the list of available keys at the list-assets.txt file.>
<Optional comma-separated list of tags for this content. They can be used to simplify filtering of content by search filters, or find similar content. See list-tags.txt to get the list of allowed tag keys.>
<If it's a special modified version, or there are special requirements to get this episode work, explain them here.>
<Optional name of logo picture filename: by default, the namesake PNG, GIF, or JPEG file will be used. Specify this field if logo has different name than info file.>
<An optional list of file name values to include showcase screenshots or extra pictures. The "Screenshots:" works as an alias to this field. Suggested to begin name of screenshots with the same name as the info file.>
<An optional list of "Label=FileName" values to indicate which files are part of this level/episode/demo entry. Use this if entry has more than one file to download. Other things like patches or additional downloads also can be listed here. Logos and screenshots should be listed at "Showcases:" paragraph.>

<copy-paste the full text content of the main post include the title, date of post, and author's nickname. Easy to select from the bottom of the post and up to the title.
Important: This field must be in the bottom of the file as all lines after this label will be treated as a part of the description (i.e. any other labels written after this, will not being parsed), and before this label, the empty line is required.>

please ignore any pictures and videos, just paste the text as-is. You may want download these pictures and list them in the "Showcases:" section of the file.. See the example file is here.

- Info file must have the same name as the archive file itself. However, if you have multiple files for the same entry, please fill the "Files:" section of the info file.

- Feel free to don't care about episode description TXT if episode that you upload is from your personal archive, and you have totally no idea from where and when you downloaded it. Upload it as-is (Be careful, don't override namesake episodes, please compare, is this the same episode, or different).
- If you uploaded an episode, please post the link to original post at #logging and your comment against it if you want, or just an episode name if you don't know where you downloaded the episode