Source: Creator: Publisher: Yoshi021 ReleaseDate: 2017-05-14 Description: Welcome to the first Great SMBX 38A Level Contest. This contest is spread out along many different forums. The Rules - Only levels that can be played with SMBX 38A are allowed. The levels will be played using the version 1.4.4 Patch 2. - You may only submit one level. - Each level must be completed with an SMB3 star. No other level exits are allowed. - You must not show any information about your level until the results are out. - It is highly recommended for your level to be in English. It is not necessary, but the judges might not understand other languages. - The HUDset command is banned due to the way it affects an episode. To make a custom HUD, disable the HUD in events and draw your own HUD using bitmaps. Deadline - All levels must be submitted to me in a PM by July 15, 2017, at 12:00 PM (U.S. Central Time). They must be in a .zip file with the level and necessary files. No encrypted levels are allowed. By submitting a level you also agree for the level to be part of an SMBX episode that will feature all of the levels submitted. - The .zip file must be organized like this: - Inside the .zip there must be a level file and the data folder, and all of the custom sound effects. - All custom sound effects must start with the name of your level with a "-" ("levelname-soundName"). - Inside the data folder is where all of your custom GFX, music, NPC codes and everything else must go. Do not place the level data outside the data folder, except for custom sound effects. Judges - Yoshi021 - Mario Kirby - Lx Xzit - TepigFan 101 Extra Judge - Catskart (He will review the level created by the judges) Good luck with your level designing and remember, have fun!