Source: Creator: ChromaNyan Release: April 1st, 2023 Description: An episode over a year in the making (no, seriously, this was planned to be an april fools episode for 2022 but i canned it last second because i felt it wasn't good enough), I present The Wrath of Slowby Tortuga. This is most likely the last episode I will release (I may make more joke episodes, but that's it), though this is also about the fifth time I have said that. features: show screem shot: show Download Patch 1: So it turns out my intelligence is rather lacking. I set a star door to require more stars than the amount of stars that existed in the episode. If you have downloaded the episode before April 11th, you will need to replace a file in the episode folder with the one here. If you have downloaded the episode after this date, this patch has already been applied to the download.