Source: Creator: Sednaiur Submitter: Wohlstand Files: Game=Lowsers Conquest Beta - Episode=Lowsers Conquest Beta - Note: To play this game using original set, you will need to download two archives: 1) Lowsers Conquest Beta - 2) Lowsers Conquest Beta - Then: - Unpack the "Game" archive - Open the "worlds" directory, and unpack the "Episode" archive into it - You can launch "smbx.exe" to start the game. You also can use special version that works over TheXTech: 1) Download the assets archive from here: 2) Download the "Plain engine" variant of TheXTech package from here: 3) There are different variants for platforms: - Windows or Linux: Unpack both archives into the same directory, then you can run "./thextech" or "thextech.exe" to start the game - Android: Unpack the assets directory into any convenient directory. Then, launch TheXTech, and use the Right-Top icon to add the game into the list. Now, you can select it and play in any time. - macOS: Unpack the assets archive, unpack the "app template" archive. Then, put all content of assets archive into the bundle's internal directory "". Then, rename bundle into "Lowser's Conquest". Then, edit the "Content/Info.plist" and edit the "CFBundleName" line and set the "Lowser's Conquest" title. You also can take a copy of the "graphics/ui/icon/thextech.icns" icon and place it into the "Content/Resources" sub-directory to make the game application to look individually. Description: Lowser's Conquest (relowserd!) Post by Sednaiur » 27 Aug 2016, 16:56 Image Welcome to my recently restarted SMBX-project that is officially in the works since 01.17.2013. It is supposed to be fully worked on, once SMBX2 gets either into beta 4 or out of beta entirely. At the moment I rework all the graphics, get new concepts together and build a new world map that will replace the old one. Once a new version of SMBX releases, I will start my work on the actual levels themselves. All new screenshots of what is done so far, will come soon. What will define the gameplay of Lowser's Conquest: ---Level-design that is inspired mainly by SMB3 and SMW. They will all have my own touch of design, however. ---A lot of custom-themed levels aswell. Fight against self-aware chainsaws, explore the space with Takosuke the Octopus, venture into a cavern full of otherworldly wildlife or protect the planet from invaders from outer space. ---Lots of hidden content. Hidden levels, hidden worlds, hidden bosses, little easter eggs and referrences and even different endings. I like my game big and explorative. ---A very big worldmap to explore. More than 130 levels to play, toad houses, warp pipes or anything like that not counted. ---4 bishoujo coins to collect. If you get them all, you can get a rainbow star at the end of the level. They are completely optional but can be used for extra rewards, like extra paths, bonus items, etc. ---A plot with lots of humor, that does not take itself all too serious sometimes. ^^ ---Talkative NPCs that you can talk to. Many little sidestories are told or little hints are given. ---Many ways to let you play the game. Each playstyle, being it speedrunner, casual player or explorer, has it's own deviding optional and optimal paths on the worldmap. Some levels will have hidden shortcuts aswell. What will be different from any previous versions: ---The levels will be shorter. They are supposed to be finished in around 2 to 3 minutes at most, when also collecting all the Bishoujo coins. Before, the levels could take up to 7 minutes to be finished. ---The bishoujo pics will be bishoujo coins from now on. No more blurry picture frames but instead huge golden coins that fit better into the world. Also, once one is collected it will stay collected. ---There will only be 4 Bishoujo coins now and they will mostly be found along the main level, to make the gameplay more fluid. Before there were 5 of them and they were mostly in hidden places. ---More friendly hidden secrets. They will be better indicated and less cryptic. Before, by simply not spotting a small detail in the background could you make miss the secret easily. Remember the secret exit in "Giant Wasphive"? ^^ ---A SMW-styled worldmap to have something new. I was very happy with the SMB3-styled one, but I think that a SMW-styled worldmap will be more fitting for my kind of game. I will miss the old one, though. ;-( ---The transition pipes of the overworld will all contain some item blocks now. This way they will serve a better purpose and one dosn't always need to search for a toad house just to get a powered-up start. ---There will be less toad houses and less hint houses and the toad houses will work as shops where you purchase items with coins. Expect a 1-up to cost roughly 150 coins. :-P ---Of course, many .LUA-enhanced elements. A custom HUD, TravL for the world map, and more will be incorporated into my game. It is supposed to be improved on all sides after all. The story The Mario Bros. are celebrating their freshly started holidays at their house, as all of a sudden a pipe mail containing an SOS arrives. The SOS was send by a girl named Yūki, one of the inhabitants of the "East-Sun Islands". It mentions an evil tortoise named "Lowser" who attacked and conquered the islands and is now making them his new home. The East-Sun Islands are a very beautiful place vor vacation but are also rich in resources and treasure of many kinds and so the parasitic Lowser decided to get ahold of the islands and use their resources to build-up a new army, after he lost the entirety of his fleet in a battle against a single pirate ship. He, together with his closest allies "Coward The Bomber" and "Loozer The Loosehanded" are now most wanted all over the group of the paradise islands. The Mario Bros themselves are surprised about getting a pipe mail from a faraway place like this, and so they decide to have their vacation over there, where the sun shines, the adventure calls and the fun awaits. Will they be able to find Lowser and all his minions and teach them a lession? Will they menage to kick Lowser's butt hard enough to send him flying to the stars? You may decide once this project is in it's finished state. Somewhere within the next 3 years probably. The screenshots I can provide so far: Spoiler: show A little FAQ about the restarted project. I will add any upcoming questions as the time goes on: Q: Why do you start your porject over? A: I think that the design in it's core is allright. But in the end there are too many flaws like some way too cryptic secrets, too long levels, and a way too slow gameplay. If you played my beta casually, you might have enjoyed it maybe, but if you tried to get everything out of it, it was very sluggish to play. A level would take more than twice as long to complete, just by trying to get all the bishoujo pics. So I rather fully start over and fix all the possible flaws and while doing so, make a fresh new worldmap along the way. :-) Q: How long do you estimate the time to finish it? A: I assume it will take not take longer than 3 years. That is because the levels will be shorter in general, so the time to design them is shorter. But also because I already got most of the graphics done which was not the case for the previous versions of my project. I also can build onto what I already got, so there is a lot less to plan anew as I already got a lot of concepts done. Q: Will it be as long as the old one? A: Most probably, yes. ^^ It is supposed to have at least the same amount of levels. I want to make a game with a lot of exploration and hidden content, so it will have a big world. If you want to know what this project was like, you may check this old and outdated beta out. It has a lot of effort put into it but also has quite some small and a very few big problems due to a mistake made in the updating process. It requires it's own SMBX-exe to run flawlessly and it has no -LUA whatsoever. It is a very lengthy game already and will take you many hours to complete. It is, however in no way representing what I am working on right now. The beta is more than 2 years old and I am aware of all of it's problems, which is one of the reasons I start over. Download-link for the old customized SMBX 1.3.exe (needed to play the old beta): SMBX 1.3.0.S exe Download for the old and only "Lowser's Conquest"-beta: Download here! If you like, you can support my project by putting this little code into your signature (Still thanks to Jayce 777 for putting it's code together): Code: Select all [url=][img][/img][/url] I like to thank all supporters of my project. Lowser's conquest Last edited by Sednaiur on 25 Nov 2019, 02:49, edited 37 times in total.