Source: Creator: _FyreNova ReleaseDate: 2021-09-24 Description: Fueled by a rage caused by episodes having inflated filesizes, I started work on this. It's very small as of now and not very complete, but I hope that over time, it'll grow larger. You can scroll down to learn how it works (and, if interested, how to help!), or click this nifty link (or the logo) to head there straight away. What's in the OGG Archive right now? Right now, we have this selection. The (extremely expansive) catalogue so far!: Super Mario Bros. (duh) Sonic the Hedgehog The Legend of Zelda Metroid Pokemon Celeste Pikmin Minecraft Mega Man You don't have what I'm looking for! See "Something's off! How can I tell you?" How is it organized? It's organized like such: - Publisher ↓ - Developer (if not the same as publisher) ↓ - Series ↓ - Game ↓ - DLC/Sidegame (if applicable) Schedule? I make zero promises, but I'll try to update something at least once every couple months. How can I help? Here's the deal- send me five high-quality OGG loops on discord (UnderscoreFyreNova™#0632) and I'll give you perms for the drive. Not even sure if anyone would want to help, but hey- offer's out there. Something's off! How can I tell you? In an ideal world I'd tell you to mail me, but given that I'm not on the forums often, I would, once again, implore you to use my discord to grab my attention. If organization's off, or if I mis-labelled a track, or if you're requesting a track, or if the OGG loop is frankly just shit, call me out- I'll fix it as soon as my lazy ass kicks it into high gear. That's all, folks! Thanks for reading this entire thing!