Welcome to SMBX Preservation archive catalogue!

Here you will find much interesting stuff made by the SMBX community: there are episodes, individual levels, graphics, etc.

Please select the category of the archive:

Caution: To play downloaded episodes, please use engines that was mentioned with a BOLD font at their names to have the best compatibility.

If engine is not listed, that means, episodes are incompatible with these engines, and they require a future porting to get them work on the specific engine.

Super Mario Bros. X 1.3 and compatible

Episodes, levels, and demos, made for SMBX 1.3 and compatible engines.

Supported by engines:
TheXTech fully,
SMBX 1.3 fully,
LunaLua-SMBX fully,
SMBX2 fully,
SMBX-38A partially,


Episodes, levels, demos, made for TheXTech-based games.

Supported by engines:
TheXTech fully

Super Mario Bros. X2

Episodes, levels, demos, made for SMBX2.

Supported by engines:
SMBX2 fully

Super Mario Bros. X by 38A

Episodes, levels, demos, made for SMBX-38A.

Supported by engines:
SMBX-38A fully


Episodes, levels, demos, made for standalone LunaLua-SMBX kit.

Supported by engines:
LunaLua-SMBX fully,
SMBX2 partially

Super Mario Bros. X 1.0.x ~ 1.2.x

Episodes, levels, and demos, made for SMBX versions older than 1.3.

Supported by engines:
TheXTech fully,
SMBX 1.3 partially,
LunaLua-SMBX partially,
SMBX2 partially,
SMBX-38A partially,

Moondust Engine

Episodes, levels, demos, made for Moondust Engine based games.

Supported by engines:
Moondust Engine fully

Packed games

Standalone game packages based on complete and modified SMBX copies.

They are engines by themselves. However,
You can put TheXTech as a replacement for SMBX 1.3 to play packed games. Follow this manual to upgrade engine from SMBX 1.3 to TheXTech. Note: this article is not suitable for packed games based on SMBX-38A, SMBX2, or based on a custom engines.

Other categories


Engine downloads

About project

The SMBX Preservation Archive is a collaborative effort by some members of the SMBX community and independent enthusiasts to collect and preserve a large number of the content made for various branches of the Super Mario Bros. X fan game after receiving news about the MediaFire's policy updating regarding inactive accounts that will lead the loss of the large number of the valuable content if not speak about the content that was been already lost in a time for various reasons.

Disclaimer of liability

The entire contents of this archive are provided "as is" for free private and noncommercial use by everyone with no exceptions, not just limited to the SMBX community members. Neither the SMBX Preservation Team members, nor any content contributors of this archive, nor the hosting administration, nor the owners of the server hardware are responsible for any possible damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of the content of this archive.


Refreshed manually (current state is actual on 13'th of October, 2024)

All the data of the SMBX Archive is stored at the own 500 GB HDD on the dedicated hardware server owned by Wohlstand. In addition, to maintain the reliable and safe storage there are several automatic backups are set to different servers running in other cities and owned by Wohlstand's friends (the main server is run in the Moscow, the second is run in Wien). To counter possible abuse and DDoS attacks, the bandwidth of the network channel is limited. As the server is located far outside of USA, it is fully safe from any absurdous and unfair DMCA requests (they has totally no sense and legal force here).