SMBX GFX Pack Help File This text file is meant to help you giving suggestions on the usage of the graphics contained in this pack, it has a F.A.Q. in it as well, so you won't get lost when you got some trouble while dealing with the graphics. TIPS: - In order to make the searching easier for you, try setting the view of all folders to miniatures, so you can see what's in each folder of each category, and then split the graphics into groups, either alphabetical order or filesize order (Type and modification date are useless): Alphabetical - Great if you want graphics from a specific game, so you just gotta look for the initials of the game. Filesize - Useful if you're looking for light custom graphics. - In the backgrounds folder, you will most probably notice the letters M, No, A and Ni; In which mean each period of the day: M - Morning, No - Noon, A - Afternoon, Ni - Night, this makes the reading faster for you. - If you want to give some of your levels (Underground, night, desert, volcano, etc...) more effects, try out making the graphics brighter or darker. F.A.Q.: Q - I've found an error in the graphic(s)/graphic(s) folder, and I have no idea of how I'm going to fix it, what should I do? A - You can either try to contact the author of the graphic or report this to Red Yoshi. Q - I've came into a folder that's, I.E., SMB3 Styled SMG Planets (No) - diamondback, but it doesn't have SMG graphics, what's wrong? A - When it says "SMB3 Styled" then it means the graphic has the same style as smb3 graphics or at least a proximity with them, and SMG Planets reffers to what the graphic shows, in the case the graphics shows Super Mario Galaxy Planets in Super Mario Bros 3 Style and Palettes, the same applies for recolors I.E. SMB3 Recolor SMW (Banzai Bill) - Legend-tony980, it means that the banzai bill, from Super Mario World, has smb3 colors. Q - There's no eyecandy button in Super Mario Bros X, how can I add them? A - This folder is somewhat different from the others, it's just a folder that will give your levels more ambience rather than generic layout difference, such as rain, snow, leaves, fog and much more. Q - In don't know how to add an Advanced Feature to SMBX, Could you help me? A - Just read the manual that comes with it, if there's no manual, contact the author of the feature. Q - I'm getting lost with the game initials, how can I know what each one means? A - Cast - Castlevania Cast2 - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest DD - Dig Dug DD2 - Dig Dug 2 DDP - Doki Doki Panic DKKoS - Donkey Kong: King of Swing DXRB - Dracula X: Rondo of Blood EB - Earthbound HM - Hotel Mario KDL - Kirby Dream Land KDL2 - Kirby Dream Land 2 KDL3 - Kirby Dream Land 3 KA - Kirby's Adventure KSS - KIrby Super Star KSSU - Kirby Super Star Ultra LoZ - Legend of Zelda LoZFSA - Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure LM - Luigi's Mansion LM2 - Luigi's Mansion 2 MB - Mario Bros. MB1 - Super Mario Bros 1 (NES) MB2 - Super Mario Bros 2 (NES) MB3 - Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) Met - Metroid Met2 - Metroid 2: Return of Samus MetF - Metroid Fusion MKF - Mushroom Kingdom Fusion MLSS - Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga MLPIT - Mario & Luigi: Parteners In Time MLBIS - Mario & Luigi: Bowser Inside Story MM - Megaman MM2 - Megaman 2 MM3 - Megaman 3 MM4 - Megaman 4 MM5 - Megaman 5 MM6 - Megaman 6 MM7 - Megaman 7 MM8 - Megaman 8 MM9 - Megaman 9 MM10 - Megaman 10 MMX - Megaman X MMX2 - Megaman X2 MMX3 - Megaman X3 MMX4 - Megaman X4 MMX5 - Megaman X5 MMX6 - Megaman X6 MMX7 - Megaman X7 MMX8 - Megaman X8 MOM - Metroid: Other M MP1 - Mario Party 1 MP2 - Mario Party 2 MP3 - Mario Party 3 MPA - Mario Party Advance MetP1 - Metroid Prime 1 MetP2 - Metroid Prime 2 MetP3 - metroid Prime 3 MVSDK2 - Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2 MZM - Metroid Zero Mission PM - Paper Mario PMTTYD - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door PVZDS - Plants Versus Zombies DS NG - Ninja Gaiden NSMB - New Super Mario Bros NSMBMII - New Super Mario Bros Mii NSMBWII - New Super Mario Bros Wii StH1 - Sonic the Hedgehog 1 SaK - Sonic and Knuckles SCIV - Super Castlevania IV SMet - Super Metroid SMA1 - Super Mario Advance 1 SMA2 - Super Mario Advance 2 SMA3 - Super Mario Advance 3 SMA4 - Super Mario Advance 4 SMBLL - Super Mario Bros Lost Levels SMB1 - Super Mario Bros 1 (SNES) SMB2 - Super Mario Bros 2 (SNES) SMB3 - Super Mario Bros 3 (SNES) SMB3 MB - Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros 3 Version SMG - Super Mario Galaxy SMG2 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 SML - Super Mario Land SML2 - Super Mario Land 2 SMRPG - Super Mario RPG: The Legend of The Seven Stars SMS - Super Mario Sunshine SMW - Super Mario World SMWB - Super Mario World Beta SMWC - Super Mario World Central SPM - Super Paper Mario SRA - Sonic Rush Adventure SSB - Super Smash Bros SSBM - Super Smash Bros Melee SSBB - Super Smash Bros Brawl YC - Yoshi Cookie YI - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi Island YIDS - Yoshi Island DS YSt - Yoshi Story YSa - Yoshi Safari Z2 - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Q - SMBX has Super Mario World Grass tiles already, but the pack has a folder called SMW Grass. What does that means? A - That means that the tiles on the pack are additional tiles for the SMW Grass. If you have any idea or suggestion for the pack, send via PM to Red Yoshi on Thanks for using this pack and be sure to credit the people you got the graphic from.