Source: Creator: TheEeveeLovers Release: 2020-12-02 Description: Version 1 revision 1 images Known issues: All caused by inconsistencies between the target of SMBX 1.3 and TheXTech (In strict 1.3 compatibility mode) used for testing Intro Castle: Weird text spacing - Intended: New line | Result: Mid-line tab. Intro Castle & Factory: "Read" and "Talk" text sprite with broken hinting - Intended: Grayscale hinting | Result: mostly yellow "hinting" (Won't fix, barely noticeable) Factory: Glitchy fan - Intended: upward fan that is static. | Result: horizontal fan that has a very glitchy animation. Goomba Plains 3: Black rectangle in front of the doors of the castle at the end - Intended: Transparent rectangle | Result: black rectangle Download Version 1, revision 1 ... n1.7z/file The SMBX2 version (with improvements) is no longer coming soon due to the drive containing it breaking. I now plan on improving the SMBX1 version instead until I get the drive fixed. Old versions Spoiler: show Support this episode with this signature Spoiler: show