Source: Author: Onule Submitter: icup321 Tags: joke TargetEngine: lunadll EngineVersion: 8 CompatEngines: lunadll,lunalua,thextech Files: Minimal (Can be used with TheXTech)=Super Toad 67 - Minimal.7z Original (Contains hexed SMBX 1.3 executable and copy of LunaDLL)=Super Toad 67 - Note: This is a single level that can be played via LunaDLL-SMBX and via LunaLua-SMBX. This level also works on TheXTech. This package includes a hexed SMBX esecutable and the copy of LunaDLL library for use with the vanilla SMBX 1.3 game copy. To play this level via TheXTech, via newer LunaLua-SMBX and SMBX2, you should don't use the inculded executable and LunaDLL copy: use the Minimal package, place it's content into your "worlds" directory, and play it as episode. Description: Super Toad 67 « on: April 01, 2014, 08:11:15 PM » SUPER TOAD 67 Instructions: Place the smbx and lunadll in main smbx folder, the level itself in worlds Start the game with smbx What are these things? smbx was a tiny update by smbx community, and also made compatible with lunadll. lunadll is like, pretty much opens up the limit in smbx. smbx should make it a default thing, coming soon. it's also sort of coding. waiting for the person who made it to update it. useful links: knock yourself out.